What grinds my gears!!!!

    Today I think I'm going rant a little bit about the one thing that really just PISSES me off!!! I can't stand for a person to tell me they're going do something and then give me a load of BS about why it didn't get done when the time comes! Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just simply not tell a person that you can or you will!!!? I feel like my intelligence is being insulted...  I just don't like it, I think it's rude and belittling... It also makes me feel as though I'm being kept underfoot.. Now I haven't always lived by this one thing that drives me bonkers. I've had my fair share of let downs and being a disappointment in some cases. Over the years I figured out I can't please everybody. I'm assuming all of this comes with that little thing they call growing up. I mean maybe I'm asking for to much. Reality is that you really can't expect anyone to think what you think, feel how you feel, or even care about what it is you feel at the end of the day. I guess what I'm hoping for is a small amount of common courtesy (the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others). I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this little rant may ruffle a few feathers. *Shrugs* This is my blog, I can say what I please... And I've heard that a kicked dog will holla! That's my time... Remember to be GREAT!!! MUAH!!! :)



  1. For some reason the human species thinks that offering services that can't be performed heightens their acceptance level. I do not think that their mental capacity goes beyond the point of them making the other person feel like someone will be there for them. They fail to process the point in which disappointment occurs. To be fair, things do happen, but why is it so difficult for people to just pick up the phone and call and say, I know what I said but... and give the excuse. That would be too much like right! Thanks for sharing, keep being great!!


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