Double Standard Dating... To Gay or Not To Gay???

I don't even know where to begin with this. On a couple of totally separate situations I've encountered women who have dated and/or been approached by men who openly admit to having been intimate with other men... So maybe I should gauge this as a question. Could you or would you date a man that tells you that he's been in a sexual relationship with another man? Does this make him gay, bi, or just curious? If it was only a one time thing could you look past it?

I've been going around and around on how to write this because I was not sure if my opinion should even way in on this. I would like to say though that when it comes to this subject there seems to be a double standard. When a woman is intimate with another woman that's considered sexy. Would a man look at the female he was interested in differently if she had been with another woman?  I can say that I've never heard a man say he couldn't date a chick cause she participated in a little girl on girl. Now switching this back to the ladies. What makes it ok with you?

I really hate to use the word desperate but is that what it is? I ask about desperation because approximately 50% of all black women will never experience marriage. With these statistics in mind have we lowered our standards to accept behavior from our men we would normally deem unacceptable? Perhaps we should be asking ourselves if the fear of being a statistic is why we are lowering our standards?

Now one of the ladies that I spoke to on this subject continues seeing her guy because she feels it isn't her place to judge what he had done in his past. And to an extent I agree. I mean honestly we have all done some things that we may not exactly be proud of or things that "society" may deem inappropriate. So to say who am I to judge is very commendable. I just personally think I would judge, especially if I'm being honest and real with myself, and I always am...LOL!

   In an age where sex is as dangerous as it is when not properly "outfitted".... I really just want everybody to be very mindful of the choices they are making as far as a mate is concerned. Don't let being in love with the idea of marriage cloud your vision to what it is you really deserve nor let it put you in a situation where your health is put in danger. Be smart and be safe! And with that...  Remember... stand TALL, be GREAT in all and ever GRATEFUL!



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