
Showing posts from September, 2013


     Through this journey I've been learning that you have to take a look at any and all opportunities. The good and the bad. Situations that are placed in front of you are placed there for a reason. How many people actually take the time to consider their opportunities??? I know a lot of my mine were avoided because of fear.  The fear of the unknown, the fear of failure and rejection, but mostly the fear of what others would think. How crazy is that?? I started too realize that I cared way to much about what others thought about what I was doing and I really had no idea I did until all this started. Why did I care so much about how MY opportunities would affect anyone but me? This growth spurt has been a breath of fresh air. Not only have I learned to take the bull by the horns, I've also learned that it's ok if everything that comes my way isn't necessarily for me. Just wanted to share that. Thanx for reading & Remember... stand TALL, be GREAT in all and ever GRA

Posture Ladies!!!

I was watching TV with my cousin and I see this tall female sashaying around all hunched over. It makes me wonder when I see tall females like this, do they have any idea how ugly it looks? I'm thinking the reason for it is usually because they don't like being tall and try to make themselves less noticeable but, dolls let me explain something to you... It looks hideous and makes you stand out even more!!! I grew into loving my height but I had positive reinforcement. At some point you need decide to take charge, look in the mirror, size yourself up and say "I'm beautiful dammit!!!?" Through all my research I see a lot of women that are 5'10 and above who say they hate their height and that they do slouch over or sit a lot. They don't wear heels, they can't date, they wish they could be made shorter, etc.. etc... I really think it's sad. I find being 6'0 to be pretty magnificent. Now as I said I had to grow into loving this but that happened fo

What grinds my gears!!!!

    Today I think I'm going rant a little bit about the one thing that really just PISSES me off!!! I can't stand for a person to tell me they're going do something and then give me a load of BS about why it didn't get done when the time comes! Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just simply not tell a person that you can or you will!!!? I feel like my intelligence is being insulted...  I just don't like it, I think it's rude and belittling... It also makes me feel as though I'm being kept underfoot.. Now I haven't always lived by this one thing that drives me bonkers. I've had my fair share of let downs and being a disappointment in some cases. Over the years I figured out I can't please everybody. I'm assuming all of this comes with that little thing they call growing up. I mean maybe I'm asking for to much. Reality is that you really can't expect anyone to think what you think, feel how you feel, or even care about what it is