
Showing posts from June, 2013

2 tall for heels??

So check this out... I had a dude look up at me and tell me the reason why I'm single is because I wear heels... I do believe I was slightly offended by his ignance... And yes I said ignance!! I am 6fabulous ft. 6'3- 6'5 in heels... I absolutely love being tall... I am really tired of grown men who haven't managed their way out of their childhood height giving me grief about mine!!! So tell me ladies and gents what are your views on this??? Talk to me....


So in my research I've found that the average height for an american woman is only 5'4!!! I find that to be very intresting... When I was in school way back when, I was the tallest... stayed the tallest for most of my time... Now when I'm out and see females my height or better I get excited cause I no longer stand alone!!!